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16 января 1920 Сухой закон в США 1

/r/aww, 2010-01-13, 14:23:22
17 января 1969 Группа "Битлз" выпустила альбом "Yellow Submarine" 0

/r/aww, 2010-01-13, 15:29:42
21 января 1954 Первая атомная подводная лодка «Наутилус» 0

/r/aww, 2010-01-13, 15:59:09
23 января 1960 Рекорд погружения 1

/r/aww, 2010-01-13, 16:10:32
06 июня 1799 Александр Сергеевич Пушкин 1

/r/aww, 2010-01-14, 16:37:56
Coming home to see my dog after a month away at school. 15

/r/aww, 2010-02-05, 06:03:36
I seepy! 1

/r/aww, 2010-02-05, 08:12:54
My dog Ajax does impressions: Here's anime Princess Leia. Good dog. 1

/r/aww, 2010-02-19, 06:36:17
My dog Ajax does impressions: Here's anime Princess Leia. Good dog. 1

/r/aww, 2010-02-19, 07:01:56
Shiba Inu gets fed up and says: YOU ROLL OVER! 1

/r/aww, 2010-02-22, 04:31:52
Cute(est) Animal Picture: Wee Little Bugger 0

/r/aww, 2010-03-09, 07:02:54
30 Helens Agree 0

/r/aww, 2010-03-09, 07:14:54
Chinchilla Cats Schoenweg 1

/r/aww, 2010-03-23, 20:52:24
A pug, stone cold chillin' 1

/r/aww, 2010-03-25, 22:07:44
Best picture of a cat sleeping on a mouse sleeping on a dog you'll see all day 1

/r/aww, 2010-03-26, 05:03:24
Tell me an amazing dog or kitty story. 12

/r/aww, 2010-04-04, 01:59:18
My dog's face tripled in size.... 1

/r/aww, 2010-04-06, 03:09:16
Lucy! 1

/r/aww, 2010-04-09, 16:01:58
My friend's aunt's cat, Cecil. I'm not a cat person, but dang, this cat.... 249

/r/aww, 2010-04-25, 15:53:10
[Massage equipment | Massage supplies]( 1

/r/aww, 2010-04-26, 11:33:05
Free Kittens! 16

/r/aww, 2010-04-26, 23:38:11
My Girlfriend is getting a corgi puppy, what should she name it? 1

/r/aww, 2010-05-01, 05:36:03
Look who decided to have coffee with me this morning. 12

/r/aww, 2010-05-02, 20:39:03
Chimp Adopts Troll Dolls (Pic) 1

/r/aww, 2010-05-07, 18:44:24
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