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Striking over changeover is a no-brainer 1

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-08, 23:26:10
Senior doctors living in their own world. 27

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-08, 19:11:21
Any word from medical schools about the proposed changes to medical training? 2

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-08, 14:06:13
Getting SF for GEM with an MSc 1

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-08, 10:42:56
Can you do MHAAs via LTD company (and is it even worth it) 7

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-08, 08:47:21
If Sunak was to match the Scottish offer, would you accept? 11

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-08, 08:40:22
Is there discrimination in the SFP process? 0

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-06, 00:08:20
FRCA SOE - failed! 11

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-05, 14:37:37
Rishi Sunak on Twitter 90

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-05, 14:03:17
Tone deaf email from the GMC 171

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-05, 13:42:56
Things to say to avoid training Noctors 1

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-05, 11:57:52
Best small ways of improving useful medical knowledge day to day 9

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-05, 10:17:30
Med school life vs FY1/2? 12

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-05, 08:35:29
Making job applications harder 7

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-04, 20:05:42
Moving to Australia - what to do with GMC 13

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-04, 18:51:04
Reimbursement for not taking leave 3

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-04, 15:44:42
3 months FREE BMA 155

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-04, 14:36:13
Motion passed at BMA ARM to lobby for unlimited attempts at postgraduate exam sittings 76

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-04, 14:15:30
Alternative to 35%, we need to be creative.. 0

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-03, 02:34:26
We shouldn’t have the dilemma of being skint two years post grad 40

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-02, 17:04:23
Why do people hate Figs/other personalized scrubs? Jealousy? 91

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-02, 16:21:02
Unemployed for F2 11

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-02, 14:03:47
Psychiatry in canada—CCT here first? 10

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-02, 12:22:22
Can I progress to ST4 with Outcome 2? 4

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-02, 10:51:29
Have people been getting sngry and impatient at the place where you work at? 49

/r/juniordoctorsuk, 2023-07-02, 09:42:24
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