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Doomspending 88

/r/???, 2023-12-08, 22:37:36
Campaign to unionize automakers in America picks up pace rapidly; Honda starts anti-union campaign 97

/r/???, 2023-12-08, 10:38:05
What keeps you going once you realize you’re basically living a life of getting fucked over? 426

/r/???, 2023-12-08, 03:58:33
In need of a Graphic designer to help with creating infographics for Palestine 1

/r/???, 2023-12-07, 06:31:41
Why are some people never satisfied with what they have in life and always want more and more? 4

/r/???, 2023-12-06, 18:20:30
Kissinger is dead comrades 56
/r/???, 2023-11-30, 02:08:46
The Politicians are Eating Penises on TV. The State of the Propaganda, the Wet Blanket Liberals: Weekly Roundup of Question Time 1

/r/???, 2023-11-24, 02:36:49
Economic Pie. (Wealth Inequality) Great for dessert conversation. 1

/r/???, 2023-11-24, 01:41:40
Advertisement economics question 1

/r/???, 2023-11-22, 02:10:56
Do capitalists and petty bourgeois see workers as subhumans? 9

/r/???, 2023-11-22, 00:26:47
Is it impossible to not have depression or is it me? 1

/r/???, 2023-11-18, 00:01:56
I think there’s an ongoing jobs crisis in various cities and states. 69

/r/???, 2023-11-17, 00:01:21
I thought that this Canadian schoolbook aptly illustrates current events. whitewashing of colonial, racial, and religious violence. 1

/r/???, 2023-11-14, 00:05:22
Religious affiliattion 0

/r/???, 2023-11-12, 00:12:02
I need to make funny PTs to feed my family 1

/r/???, 2023-11-10, 00:17:35
Genocide in China 1

/r/???, 2023-11-10, 00:11:26
I wrote a strongly worded letter to the DNC and now Im scared 1

/r/???, 2023-11-05, 03:32:00
The US state dept's definition of antisemitism. 1,302

/r/???, 2023-11-04, 15:01:27
I was born and raised in Cuba (until the age of 16). AMA 39

/r/???, 2023-11-03, 23:10:28
We must be exposed to cancer causing pesticides because won’t someone think of the corporations 1

/r/???, 2023-11-03, 16:28:31
Why the top post in this sub trying to humanize Hamas? 0

/r/???, 2023-10-24, 15:09:53
Left & Right vs. Israel & Palestine 7

/r/???, 2023-10-23, 17:44:55
Since people liked the first so much, here's Piranha Bowl Episode Two! 1

/r/???, 2023-10-23, 12:57:18
Genuine question 7

/r/???, 2023-07-08, 15:57:19
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