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I have a cool question. IT KEEPS GETTING TAKEN DOWN 1

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-11-12, 00:40:52
Why don't scientists trust atoms? 1

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-07-13, 00:26:11
What experiment is this called? 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-07-05, 00:46:59
Is it better to take warm or cold showers in summer? 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-06-12, 17:51:05
How does colour affect dopamine exactly? 3

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-06-12, 16:37:36
Ethyline Vinyl Acetate 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-06-06, 21:22:22
Guys 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-06-01, 00:20:10
AI finally used to do more than make pictures and text blocks. 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-05-26, 07:51:24
If people had rudimentary control of atomic and quantum particles and their bonds, what visible or noticeable effects could we see at a human level? 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-05-24, 02:46:38
Need help with a van de graaff generator. 2

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-05-22, 14:31:01
New models for ecological and economic development?? 1

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-05-12, 11:46:14
Weird ring in dirty dishes 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-05-07, 02:43:46
Check for the best and affordable platform for your Ecommerce website 1

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-04-29, 19:40:59
Does the position or mass of other planets affect our planet? 1

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-04-23, 05:37:42
The Earth 0

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-04-22, 16:31:01
Who lives in a plastic bag under the sea? 3

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-04-17, 15:41:18
thanks 4
/r/reallyinteresting, 2023-04-16, 07:09:56
thanks 4

/r/sciencencoolthings, 2023-04-16, 07:09:35
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