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RT Podcast Talking about Trials 1

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-11-08, 03:13:57
Gavin: I'm not over the moon about ____? 3

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-11-04, 18:53:59
Eric Baudour San Diego recommendations 1

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-07-01, 17:52:20
Ah halo lan party 1

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-18, 07:28:19
Funny old video on YouTube 1

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-12, 07:23:44
Two GTA V LP moments I'm trying to find... 7

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-10, 19:57:49
Minecraft lets play where Geoff almost throws up yelling 8

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-06, 02:35:52
Rt short where Burnie is a cop and talking about a home brew game. 4

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-04, 01:31:55
Video where michael says "oh he's guggin'!" or something along them lines to Gavin 2

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-02, 19:33:18
Barbara or Lindsey humming that leek spin song? 2

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-02, 06:17:10
RT Podcast entry where they talk about Reddit before Reddit (Fark, Digg) 3

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-06-01, 14:16:40
Help! Does anyone else remember this?!? 4

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-31, 22:02:35
Ray gets killed by a skeleton archer and says "a skeleton just quickscoped me, he's gonna put that in a montage that no one will watch" 28

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-24, 19:33:10
Video where Alfredo yells “AND IT WAS EASY” after winning just as it quites down. Also the one where he runs around in the face cams screaming and also says “and it was easy” after winning. 7

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-20, 06:13:23
Do stf videos still exist? 1
/r/???, 2023-05-13, 02:55:41
Let's Play Hitman on Sapienza where Gavin fails the mission because he ran someone over in the closing cutscene 19

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-12, 20:37:14
RT Podcast where Gus makes Barbara laugh. 14

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-11, 11:01:26
Dead by Daylight search 0

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-11, 08:31:34
RT Podcast where they discuss a heat wave 4

/r/tipofmyrooster, 2023-05-09, 07:23:18
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