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Was I unreasonable for wanting my boyfriend to cut up our babies food? 77

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 21:32:07
Is Jailbreaking your iPhone still a thing in 2023? 903

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 19:23:56
What is the point of a "trigger warning?" 198

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 16:51:14
Why dont jails have cameras? 1

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 16:49:30
Why isn’t it a no brainer for most guys to freeze sperm then get a vasectomy? 0

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 15:05:54
Is it common for adults to not know basic life skills like cooking or budgeting? How do people learn these things if they didn't grow up with them? 157

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 09:07:12
How effective is birth control? 0

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 09:06:19
Is Ukraine capable of winning? 15

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 08:56:15
Why is this happening? 3

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 07:42:04
Is commenting something sexual on a tweet cheating? 3

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 05:51:11
If a girl was given testosterone while she was growing up would she become taller? 1

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 04:41:08
Those of you who want sex less frequently than your partner, why not let your partner get their fill elsewhere? 0

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 03:23:31
How bad is normal middle school? 0

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 03:23:31
How do I find a college educated American woman who doesn’t view having a family as a prison? 0

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 02:51:11
Found condom in husbands travel bag? 1

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 02:43:27
Why are some accents racist but not others? 1

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 01:12:14
Is it wrong for me, a grown adult male, to play with the neighbor kids? 73

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-08, 01:04:19
If I found a million pounds on the street, am I liable to report it or is it finders keepers? 1,201

/r/tooafraidtoask, 2023-12-07, 22:20:21
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