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The song Waterloo by ABBA should be considered a Christmas song 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 23:04:48
Waterloo by ABBA should be a Christmas song 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 22:56:34
I love being drunk dialed 19

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 22:45:24
My hero academia breaches a lot of problems in this age. 0

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 22:36:51
Christian movies don’t work because they don’t understand reality and are very coward in their topics 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 20:03:31
“The Mist” Ending Was Corny. I Laugh Just Thinking About It 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 19:23:10
If you really think about it there should be more feces in Mortal Kombat 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 19:08:23
The Curse and Legend of La Llarona are good movies. 2

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 18:59:36
Not including a charger with a new phone is more eco-friendly. 0

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 18:59:35
Tax paying Americans are indirectly involved in killing people 0

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 18:25:01
I’m sick of Target. 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 18:16:56
In the 21st century, Xmas (the holiday) is a more relatable name than Christmas (the holiday). 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 18:07:41
Being raised by emotionally healthy parents is more valuable than being raised by rich ones 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 17:52:01
Being Gay is a Fetish and not a Sexuality 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 17:50:12
The new response just dropped meme was never funny 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 17:37:15
Little help 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 17:30:55
You don't have to be a "mother" to know how deeply a mother loves her child 51

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 17:16:12
is this bad? 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 16:55:28
Youtube has a right to ban adblockers & people complaining about ads are being ridiculous 0

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 16:36:16
Opting out of society is a god given right 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 15:55:16
Movie recaps counts as watching the movie 0

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 15:50:07
I think people focus too much on the implied intent of a conversation instead of the words being said 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 15:24:48
You shouldn’t have to replace your background on your phone with your S/O picture. 4

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 15:19:15
Women have made dating easier for white American men. 0

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 14:12:38
Soup is a beverage not a food. 1

/r/unpopularopinion, 2023-12-08, 14:05:03
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