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/r/cptsdmemes, 2018-12-17, 11:23:22
Hypervigilance is jumping at the automatic toilet and then getting out to jump at the automatic sink 74

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-01-04, 03:47:51
your children are not your children. 71

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-01-09, 01:20:29
CW: test post please ignore 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-01-12, 00:59:21
CW: test post please ignore 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-01-12, 01:06:02
[deleted by user] 233

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-01-20, 16:02:25
Does anyone else here cry at the site of confrontation? 42

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-01-26, 00:56:10
Paranoid with success? 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-07-18, 23:06:43
Touch-Starved But I Hate Being Touched 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-08-02, 02:17:24
Sorry this isn't a meme but I'm drunk and it's my birthday so I'm feeling e m o t i o n a l 32

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-08-03, 04:59:41
You ever do a good job of raising your inner child just to flex on your parents 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-08-15, 06:10:56

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-08-29, 21:33:44
RemeMber to LIke aNd SUBScrib!!!11! 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-08-30, 03:47:55
Tfw you're triggered and looking for a post, find the exact one you need but realise you made it 3 months ago 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-09-06, 09:31:02
What are the red flags for CPTSD? 17

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-09-29, 05:57:42
I know I needed to hear that 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-10-23, 02:54:21
I thought of a crude joke to describe CPTSD, it’s lame but I wanted to share it. 57

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-10-27, 21:52:01
I said this lame joke irl today and couldn’t stop laughing 28

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-05, 05:39:21
I relate to everything here but Im not aware of any trauma (sorry if breaking rules) 16

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-07, 11:49:16
Can someone meme this for me? 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-10, 05:35:30
WTF they made a sketch out of my family 15

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-17, 12:41:17
My mom when I say I won't go with her to my golden sister's place 7

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-18, 04:30:51

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-24, 10:25:50
where my productivity=worth fam at 59

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-11-24, 19:47:47
This probably applies to a number of us here, too. 1

/r/cptsdmemes, 2019-12-09, 14:16:00
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