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Johnny Fairplay "future endeavors" wife, Tough Enough contestant, Michelle Deighton 1

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-29, 04:43:26
Welcome to r/SquaredCircle! 17

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-29, 05:19:40
Alright r/SquaredCircle, let's hear your design ideas for this thread... 7

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-29, 14:12:46
Spoiler Policy 8

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-29, 18:45:30
I came here to post some personal attacks. Who wants to fuck with me?! 4

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-29, 21:13:49
Poll: Let's get downright religious here, Big Blue Cage or Chain Link? 14

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-29, 22:16:32
What WWE future endeavor do you miss the most? 11

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-30, 01:56:57
WWE Needs to make new brands 9

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-06-30, 05:39:39
Let's Watch: TNA Impact! [Spoilers Expected] 1

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-01, 01:04:01
IMPACT wrestling: 6/30/11 Episode Discussion Thread (spoiler talk here) 7

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-01, 01:04:50
When did TNA get... acceptable? 1

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-01, 01:37:56
DAE here frequent Wrestlecrap? 8

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-01, 10:43:21
WWE Superstars, June 30th 2011 (for US viewers only; stupid regional lockouts) 2

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-01, 10:43:41
Let's Watch: NWA Starrcade 86: Night of the Skywalkers 5

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-01, 15:29:09
Would you buy more PPVs if they were closer to $20? 16

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-02, 18:41:08
Most hyped you have ever been during RAW? 11

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-03, 03:50:10
Can we please talk about how Hogan and Sting are damaging The Business? 12

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-03, 06:01:09
Well for starters... 0

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-03, 10:33:08
Hey Wreddit, Let's Watch Archive 3

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-03, 19:06:07
The "Internet championship" 8

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-04, 04:40:46
It was a very nice surprise... 4

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-04, 08:54:16
With the Stinger doing a full time Joker impersonation, what would be your thoughts on a "good" Joker-type performer? 8

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-04, 12:56:56
RAW discussion July 4, 2011. Now we can all talk without spoilers. My plot theory included! 12

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-05, 04:42:20
Just saw a historic match 14

/r/squaredcircle, 2011-07-05, 13:48:26
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