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非典型民國名媛鄭念的「硬骨頭」與她的家世 Nien Cheng (the author of Life and Death in Shanghai) and her family history 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-25, 22:38:05
The Chinese“Routers” 170 years ago: Early reports of Chinese gold diggers in U.S. 2

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-13, 02:15:47
The Chinese“Routers”: 170 years ago: Early reports of Chinese gold diggers in U.S. 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-13, 02:14:12
How to identify your ancestral place of residence and earliest migrating ancestry? 如何確定你的祖籍地及家譜中的始遷祖? 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-09, 22:19:37
Can the ChatGPT help us uncover the family relationships of historical figures in China? ChatGPT 能幫我們搞清中國歷史人物的親屬關係嗎?——我的一份測試報告 2

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-04, 15:08:11
怪傑東方朔與兩個「東郭先生」 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-03, 17:03:21
柳傳志家族与镇江育婴堂 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-03-10, 03:43:31
Chinese 'Bethune' in London during World War I 一戰期間倫敦的中國「白求恩」 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-03-06, 19:58:19
Fading Chinese Ancestral Identity 日漸式微的華人祖宗認同 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-03-03, 20:32:28
山西蔣村故事:閻錫山、薄一波與他們的胡姓親戚 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-03-03, 08:11:18
閻錫山、薄一波与他们的蒋村胡姓亲戚 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-03-03, 06:17:09
識時務者為俊傑:近代進士名聲之由來 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-03-01, 05:41:05
厲以寧先生之家世 The family history of Li Yining 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-27, 22:37:03
A poor family in southwest China taken by Scottish photographer John Thomson 150 years ago 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-24, 15:41:50
滿堂英傑:李政道的基督教家族(Lee Tsung-dao's Christian family) 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-24, 00:45:33
如何閱讀自己家族的古老族譜? 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-21, 06:00:04
歡迎來到華人家族史研究群組 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-21, 05:24:33
如何紀念自己的先人? 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-21, 05:20:07
你知道自己家的祖宅在哪裡嗎? 1

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-02-21, 05:15:57
/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-05, 22:17:11 , 1 score , +0.42 sentiment rating

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-05, 21:59:26 , 2 score , -0.36 sentiment rating

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-05, 19:57:03 , 1 score , +0.89 sentiment rating

/r/chinesefamilyhistory, 2023-05-05, 19:54:07 , 1 score , -0.25 sentiment rating


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