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Termite mounds reveal secret to creating ‘living and breathing’ buildings that use less energy 1

/r/sciencenopolitics, 2023-05-26, 19:29:38
Proof that Neanderthals ate crabs is another ‘nail in the coffin’ for primitive cave dweller stereotypes. Researchers discovered that Neanderthals were harvesting shellfish to eat – including brown crabs, where they preferred larger specimens and cooked them in fires. 1

/r/sciencenopolitics, 2023-02-09, 21:50:28
Songbird species aggressively mob predator owls — mostly in late summer and autumn when owls prey on young birds, and at low altitudes where the owls are most common 1

/r/sciencenopolitics, 2023-01-31, 12:31:59
CT scans of a fully-wrapped, 2,300-year-old Egyptian mummy reveal the body of a teenage boy — adorned with 49 amulets, garlanded with ferns, and fitted with sandals 1

/r/sciencenopolitics, 2023-01-24, 09:32:01
In a UK-wide study, researchers found that 60% of home-compostable plastics do not fully disintegrate in home compost bins, and inevitably end up in our soil. 1

/r/sciencenopolitics, 2022-12-03, 21:20:08
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