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Why I hate Pandora 0
/r/adviceanimals, 2013-08-13, 15:24:11
When I meet a girl on the internet and we have so much in common, but she lives 3000 miles away... 3

/r/memes, 2013-08-13, 07:11:28
How I feel about Paula Dean. 1
/r/funny, 2013-08-13, 02:17:23
As a relatively new redditer, I'm discovering a new problem arising. 0

/r/funny, 2013-08-13, 00:01:21
Most tall people here? 40

/r/bigdickproblems, 2013-08-12, 21:12:55
its kind of sad really. 1

/r/adviceanimals, 2013-08-12, 20:14:00
To the neighbors who complained to my landlord 1

/r/adviceanimals, 2013-07-01, 14:37:16
I don't always drop clothes on the floor at the laundromat 0

/r/memes, 2013-07-01, 13:44:47
I don't always drop clothes on the foor at the laundromat... 3

/r/funny, 2013-07-01, 11:17:39
As an impatient Arsenal fan 1

/r/soccer, 2013-07-01, 11:16:02
about god damn time 1

/r/eve, 2013-07-01, 09:24:50
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