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Feeling Botty today 0

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-12-08, 18:16:56
Gaming laptop that can play bf4 well? 0

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-12-06, 16:55:16
Streaming 0

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-11-25, 00:00:18
No one gives a shit about your top 5 weapons 16

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-11-22, 00:35:42
Squad 3

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-11-17, 00:10:22
ugly/lucky rendezook but still... 1

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-11-16, 00:04:14
#1 Get Some 24/7 Skills & Kills Server - Xbox 2

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-11-09, 01:18:13
Punkbuster pc ban? 5

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-11-03, 12:53:16
How to learn to fly jets for beginners 17

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-10-24, 21:48:29
Looking for an Xbox squad 5

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-10-24, 02:16:50
Xbox 3

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-10-24, 00:17:07
How is everyone playing this game? 6

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-10-23, 19:38:20
Is bf4 good for the xbox? 7

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-10-23, 08:29:46
New HC servers 14

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-10-23, 01:18:20
Need 2 more people for trophy 2

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-07-04, 07:38:50
Potentially something 1

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-07-04, 01:49:46
You know I'm something of a sniper myself 5

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-07-03, 00:43:51
Kicked from squad for asking for orders? 36

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-07-03, 00:05:38
Hangar 21 elevator 3

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-07-01, 18:40:14
Trouble getting BF4 to launch on Windows 11 1

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-06-28, 02:18:36
Is it still possible to get the "Bomb Squad" trophy in 2023? 2

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-06-27, 18:37:31
Can't play now Origin is gone 8

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-06-21, 01:43:16
(PC) Phantom Operative / Getting the Phantom Bow the hard way 1

/r/battlefield_4, 2023-06-17, 01:47:05
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