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A New Philosophical Razor 1

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2022-08-12, 20:22:16
where's Political Phil? 9

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2021-02-24, 15:58:48
Should the US start using ranked choice voting? 6

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2021-02-24, 06:19:41
For those of you who support Biden, give me 5 reasons why you do. For those of you who support Trump, give me 5 reasons why you do. 1

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2020-10-11, 08:39:52
The Tragedy of the battle of Marriageopolis 3

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2020-06-19, 06:38:15
I love this subreddits. 2

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2020-05-23, 07:19:47
Should women be allowed topless like men? 3

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2020-03-25, 23:31:33
What's your preferred form of government? What are the most important reforms you'd like to make for say, American government? 6

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2020-01-21, 23:59:11
If eugenics is supposedly bad, then why are most people against incest babies? 6

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-07-08, 04:17:03
[Liberals/Welfare statists] What’s your opinion on mandatory market based social insurance? 5

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-03-05, 00:53:05
What are your thoughts on Joan Robinson's Criticism of Marginalism? 3

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-03-03, 19:10:03
CMV: Moral Error Theory is Correct 2

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-02-28, 05:20:07
List of Refutations of AnCapism and Common AnCap Arguments 3

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-02-27, 19:15:44
Technology, Property, and the State 5

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-02-25, 23:19:15
A Case Against the Labor Theory of Property 1

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-02-15, 17:25:00
Why Property is a Positive Right 4

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-02-12, 21:09:52
PSA: Property is a Positive Right 1

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-02-12, 21:08:59
What do you think of the Yellow Vests in France? 2

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-01-27, 19:22:06
Why I am an amoralist 2

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-01-27, 02:14:14
Why Marx thought that a Theory of Value was necessary to understand Capitalism 6

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-01-11, 23:15:47
[Discussion Topic - Political Philosophy]: Locke's Labor Theory of Property 1

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2019-01-11, 16:24:23
ex fascist ama 3

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2018-12-24, 23:23:37
Political Economy's Single Most Important Question 3

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2018-12-24, 01:59:29
[Discussion Topic - Logic]: Pointing out logical contradictions in an argument is not necessarily sufficient to refute it 4

/r/debatepoliticalphil, 2018-11-21, 18:16:20
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