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DNA Discounts - Embark 2

/r/doggydna, 2023-11-27, 01:42:08
Excited to get results!!! 1

/r/doggydna, 2023-11-16, 00:39:02
Embark is bringing back the Age Test 43

/r/doggydna, 2023-10-23, 14:43:54
Coat Trait Breakdown 3

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-21, 02:18:33
Upgrading from embark basic to health kit 1

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-17, 22:09:49
Does embark test for northern Inuit dog? 1

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-17, 17:53:29
How much time did you wait after genotyping update? 3

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-15, 22:57:48
Will I ever know which relatives are ACTUALLY close? 6

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-10, 05:29:13
He makes so much more sense now!!! 74

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-08, 13:26:31
Jasper's DNA is being proccessed, results due by end of June... 4

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-06, 19:37:32
Guess the appearance 4

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-03, 23:27:59
Decisions Decisions - which test 1

/r/doggydna, 2023-06-03, 21:44:19
Wisdom Panel vs Embark 2

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-26, 18:08:46
Bit of food on the swab 1

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-26, 12:37:43
What DNA percent would you say no longer really "counts"? 4

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-24, 14:27:35
I know this is probably asked a lot but what has everyone’s turnaround time been lately with Embark? 6

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-23, 13:52:18
Embark DNA question 3

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-22, 17:19:42
Has anyone successfully reached out to Wisdom or Embark about an inaccuracy and had their results changed? 4

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-18, 00:00:21
Has anyone done Orivet and another DNA test? Or just Orivet? See details 3

/r/doggydna, 2023-05-13, 22:16:42
Curious to understand what a Pedigree Dog result might look like (?) 1

/r/doggydna, 2023-04-25, 18:43:03
Results! Rescue said Heeler/Terrier 3

/r/doggydna, 2023-04-21, 14:12:26
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