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Tournament Scheduling & Participants // Dec 9-10th, 2023 10

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-12-07, 07:24:42
List of known cheaters? 2

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-12-06, 17:07:51
Scoreboard breakdown 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-07-29, 00:08:15
Some games lag is unbearable 9

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-07-08, 20:54:40
Are they ever going to fix demons infernal energy collect spamming? 0

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-07-02, 15:13:05
Man this game sucks without sbmm 0

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-07-02, 06:13:03
Evil Dead possesses my CPU 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-07-01, 15:50:10
Hunter range dmg is completely out of control 0

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-07-01, 13:01:35
A competitive pvp game has to be balanced around the most competitive pvp players 0

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-30, 01:09:14
Getting timed out for game crashes? 10

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-27, 21:33:45
Unless you're a new(ish) player, is there really any reason to ever queue up with with a lvl 1 survivor? 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-27, 14:00:13
Who thinks that support at times can be a thankless/unfun role? 41

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-27, 00:32:22
why is this game so survivor sided? 0

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-21, 02:11:35
Queue Times? 7

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-21, 00:38:14
Don't possess them 9

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-21, 00:11:12
Is anything exclusive to the GOTY version? 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-20, 09:55:52
Shemps bug 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-18, 16:20:55
Is demon too easy now? 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-17, 18:48:24
What's with people waiting until the last five seconds before the match starts, and then they just disconnect? 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-17, 17:57:55
What are your favourite things that deadites say? 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-17, 07:10:16
Remove iframe or nerf dodging 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-17, 03:42:01
A survivor on your team disconnects before the first map piece or within the first few minutes 1

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-17, 01:50:08
Vs AI question 3

/r/evildeadthegame, 2023-06-16, 22:38:21
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