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Is Hexblade or LnD 4 better for AoE L!Yuri? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-08, 19:03:47
Extremely dumb question to y'all 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-08, 16:17:32
L!Ike Bros with HoF coming to an end, which skills did you manage to pick up and what's your final build gonna look l!ike? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-08, 04:50:38
Book VIII Predictions Bingo (Post-Chapter 2) 3

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-08, 02:12:08
We're nearing eight years into FEH now. What's something you learned? 16

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-08, 00:07:08
Book VIII Plot Predictions? 15

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-07, 23:59:32
Is there a way to get Resplendent skins without paying? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-07, 17:18:51
Book VIII: Chapter 1 and 2 Story Discussion 11

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-07, 15:08:27
Gambit 4 or Savvy Fighter 4 on W!BK? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-07, 02:35:05
Does Spring Loki make anyone else unreasonably upset? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-07, 01:26:10
My L!Dimitri Omnitank build (would like recommendations for changes and support partners) 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-06, 21:46:06
Finished in AR Tier 28, but no Vault of Heaven? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-06, 12:59:49
Cormag x Summer Shez. Who’s absolute better? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-06, 05:35:35
Meet the Heroes (Book 8 Beginning) 35

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-06, 04:12:55
When did Caellech come out? 1

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-05, 05:20:39
So we all agree we’re voting for the snake lady in CYL again, right? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-05, 03:57:00
They did her DIRTY... 29

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-05, 03:50:11
Book VIII OC designs are straight up Naruto ripoffs 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-05, 03:21:14
Book 7: A Thorough Data Analysis 22

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-05, 01:50:46
Do I not need to +10 a legendary unit to get a max arena score? 0

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-03, 01:25:31
Flying bonus unit? 1

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-12-02, 02:18:30
Could it be possible to find a theoretical 'growth rates' to FEH oc's 1

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-11-30, 02:27:45
Opinions on giving Sabotage A/R to Veyle?? 2

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-11-28, 01:12:49
Who are the best receivers of Nino’s echo package 1

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-11-23, 03:24:45
Restarting The Game 1

/r/fireemblemheroes, 2023-11-23, 01:26:16
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