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New Gibraltar main 1

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-06-07, 12:21:17
Best Gibraltar skin? 6

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-05-27, 18:19:43
Ultimate Glitch? 1

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-05-01, 23:37:17
New gibby main 4

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-04-17, 03:29:18
Favorite Loadout for Ranked? 7

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-04-14, 13:47:27
Building a ranked squad - D3 Split 1 - Xbox 3

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-04-06, 06:52:27
Gibby in current meta? 5

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-03-14, 18:56:09
Is it weird one of my fav loadouts on gibby is Triple Take and PK? 6

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-03-14, 12:31:11
Hipfiring vs ADS and very close range ( 5-15m ) / What is his loadout for close-mid range playstyle 1

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-01-09, 15:09:44
What is exactly my role as Gibby ? What are the best weapons for him ? 4

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-01-01, 16:16:35
good idea? 3

/r/gibraltarmains, 2023-01-01, 04:05:19
kinda weird putting this here 0

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-12-26, 20:27:19
Tips for 4k 7

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-11-26, 17:26:51
Question for you demon Gibbys 8

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-11-22, 00:55:42
I tried playing gibraltar but I can't put he's bubble right or know whan to fight or not to fight or whatever I drop the bubble at a bad time then my team hits no shots because I f them up what do I do 2

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-11-21, 20:53:44
Mirage Surveyers here. Please answer this question, GibraltarMains. 0

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-11-01, 05:00:55
Hello I need some Gibbs advice from experienced players . I have some experience I am a diamond player how can I level up my gibby game 10

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-10-29, 08:50:31
Best weapon combo for Storm Point 1

/r/gibraltarmains, 2022-09-30, 16:29:08
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