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Dielectric breakdown and voltage rise time 1

/r/physics, 2023-12-08, 18:49:19
Is a BS worthless? 290

/r/physics, 2023-12-08, 14:30:43
Fusion within a gravitational bound body 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-08, 07:49:44
Relationship between speed, distance and time 1

/r/physics, 2023-12-08, 07:18:58
Looking for intro to physics books 1

/r/physics, 2023-12-08, 04:17:48
dedekind numbers 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-07, 21:50:48
How to explain Dark matter to middle schoolers 235

/r/physics, 2023-12-07, 17:34:38
Careers/Education Questions - Weekly Discussion Thread - December 07, 2023 4

/r/physics, 2023-12-07, 14:00:13
Magnets 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-07, 01:31:23
High school level journal articles 1

/r/physics, 2023-12-06, 19:29:56
I would love a biopic on Teller 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-06, 12:25:26
I had a weird idea this morning. Please bare with me, I don't study physics. It's a big 'what if' about Blackholes... 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-06, 08:18:06
im absolutely tweaking over potential energy right now 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-06, 03:35:00
Need help connecting electric circuit in lazer 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-05, 04:50:14
Particle Physics and Electrical Engineering Opportunities? 3

/r/physics, 2023-12-05, 02:51:17
If a carnot cycle is considered reversible, why is it not 100 percent efficient. 1

/r/physics, 2023-12-05, 00:05:20
Hawking Radiation and Black Holes 8

/r/physics, 2023-12-04, 01:15:23
Magnetic fields and special relativity 2

/r/physics, 2023-12-01, 00:53:37
What are the specific important discoveries and advancements made by Ali Moustafa Mousharaffa. 0

/r/physics, 2023-12-01, 00:06:10
How much UV can glass block? 7

/r/physics, 2023-11-30, 01:04:48
Quantum Telepathy? 0

/r/physics, 2023-11-30, 00:22:20
Where to buy Physics by Giancoli 1

/r/physics, 2023-11-27, 01:42:16
Quantum Field Theory 1

/r/physics, 2023-11-26, 02:17:47
Nuclear Physics Gift 19

/r/physics, 2023-11-24, 00:20:37
Need Guidance to get started in Computational Physics 0

/r/physics, 2023-11-21, 01:08:10
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