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[deleted by user] 1

/r/sahaba, 2021-12-25, 07:54:29
Umar’s ‎رضي الله عنه Wish 7

/r/sahaba, 2021-11-25, 06:46:07
The Zuhd of Abu Ubaydah and the Tears of Umar 19

/r/sahaba, 2021-11-24, 02:47:15
Lecture Series: Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 9

/r/sahaba, 2021-10-06, 12:27:41
Question(s) regarding battles with Persians and byzantines. 2

/r/sahaba, 2021-10-05, 16:58:31
Favourite companion? mine is def Umar ibn Khattab :) 13

/r/sahaba, 2021-06-16, 00:03:38
Assalam Alaykum. New sub reddit r/TraditionalMuslims is launched. Please join and show support InshAllah. 1

/r/sahaba, 2021-02-14, 06:56:22
17 Types of Sadaqah That Cost Nothing (not rly related to this subreddit) 5

/r/sahaba, 2021-01-17, 17:47:54
Interesting Article on the Data Protection in Islamic Apps! 10

/r/sahaba, 2020-12-22, 10:52:35
The virtue of Hussain bin Ali ؓ, the grandson of RasulAllah ﷺ 32

/r/sahaba, 2020-12-11, 09:47:36
Thought I’d share some of the z/dhikr I got saved 30

/r/sahaba, 2020-10-28, 11:41:22
Wise advice... 2
/r/islam, 2020-10-23, 18:54:24 28

/r/sahaba, 2020-10-23, 17:48:00
Some wise advice... 2

/r/islam, 2020-10-23, 17:35:13
Anas ibn Malik (RA) on the prophet (PBUH)... 33

/r/sahaba, 2020-10-16, 21:22:39
ʿAbdullāh b. Masʿūd – Allāh be pleased with him – said: The victim of theft might continue to suspect and conjecture [about who stole from him] until he becomes worse [in sin] than the thief. 26

/r/sahaba, 2020-10-15, 07:14:36
The abandoned house 21

/r/sahaba, 2020-10-14, 18:12:17
Don’t be an Im’ah... 49

/r/sahaba, 2020-07-17, 09:05:02
Khalid Bin Walid(ra)| Battle of Mut'ah 35

/r/sahaba, 2020-07-12, 22:54:47
Saad Ibn Waqas (RA) 19

/r/sahaba, 2020-07-08, 22:44:37
Ali bin Abi Talib: This is apologizing to you! 2

/r/sahaba, 2020-07-04, 09:08:42
Celebrating the Festivals of the Unbelievers 26

/r/sahaba, 2020-07-03, 18:29:53
The three dreams the Prophet (PBUH) had regarding Umar (RA) 50

/r/sahaba, 2020-06-16, 17:24:39
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