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Unit getting out of a transport it just embarked 17

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-08, 01:26:34
Slaaneshmas 2023: Baby's First GT 53

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-07, 21:27:09
Dew wounds and Mortals, unintended consequences 0

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-07, 02:33:35
Just bought tor garadon just wondering which squad is best for him to lead 1

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-06, 20:53:06
Non-Compliant Leader Fixes 14

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-06, 11:57:27
Help deciding which faction for 1k tourney 0

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-06, 07:21:18
Rules question - unit composition 1

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-12-06, 05:03:54
List CC for tourney. Healthy mix of factions (maybe ImpGuard skewed) 0

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-22, 00:11:09
Are there factions that are really oppressive in casual games no matter the edition? 90

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-21, 00:00:36
Armies particularly dominant in 1k games? 0

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-18, 00:19:40
Question about Sisters "suffering and sacrifice" Stratagem 0

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-16, 00:59:24
Is there any other units that match Crisis suits in fire power? 7

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-13, 02:25:36
Examining the effect of player experience on faction win rates (Or: "Are SM players just bad?") 8

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-08, 01:45:12
New Tau player trying to understand competitive lists 8

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-08, 00:03:41
This weekend I saw a side of me that I did not enjoy. 24

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-07, 02:09:02
My first ever tournament (2v2) 10

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-06, 00:09:43
Army building tools state? 18

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-04, 13:32:01
2k Sisters of Battle 3

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-04, 01:49:23
Build a list Aeldari with Art of War 7

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-03, 13:26:51
Conceptual Engineering Design Application · Detail Idea Tech Tip 0

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-11-03, 00:42:41
Shooting through walls... 16

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-10-23, 21:10:27
Weekly Question Thread - Rules & Comp Qs 7

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-10-23, 12:55:11
Is there any legitimacy to this SM list? 3

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-10-23, 01:41:35
From the pov of someone new, is there any hope in Death Guard for 10e? 56

/r/warhammercompetitive, 2023-07-08, 22:06:18
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